Monday, 1 July 2013

Our quiz prize winners

First off  we would just like to say a big thank you to everyone who took part in the quiz, and you will be pleased to know that no one scored 0. Unfortunately no one got full marks, but our three prize winners all came very close. Please give a round of applause for our three winners:-

1st - Diana

2nd - Mihai

3rd - Ciki

Well done to those three. We shall be sending each of the winners an email to let them know personally just incase they do not see here and we shall work out where you want your prizes sent to.

If anyone wants to check the answers to the quiz we shall now give them below:

Correct Answer
Raspuns Corect
When was Dravet Syndrome first discovered?
During an epileptic seizure, an electrical discharge occurs in?
The causes of epilepsy are known in all cases?
The onset of Dravet Syndrome occurs?
In 1st year of life
In primul an de viata
What is the most common cause of Dravet Syndrome?
Gene Mutation
Mutatie genetica
Dravet Syndrome is curable?
You can transmit Dravet Syndrome through?
It is not transmissible
Sindromul Dravet nu este transmisibil
Most seizures last?
In Dravet Syndrome Prolonged seizures (status epilepticus) are more common?
What should you do if you witness a crisis?
- Call emergency services if seizure lasts longer than 5 minutes
- Clear area of any hazards or move them if unable to move hazard
- Time the seizure
- Suni la 112 daca criza dureaza mai mult de 5 minute
- Indepartezi toate obiectele care pot prezenta pericol pentru suferind (obiecte dure, ascutite etc)
- Cronometrezi durata crizei
People with Dravet Syndrome can get seizures if?
All of these
Toate variantele de mai sus
How many people worldwide suffer from Dravet Syndrome?
1 in 30,000
1 in 30,000
Developmental problems are associated with Dravet Syndrome?
Seizures in Dravet Syndrome do not respond to standard anti-convulsive drugs?
Which of these famous people had epilepsy?
All of these
Toti acestia

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